vendredi 3 janvier 2014

Booty Camp Workout

Cover artHow the Workout WorksJust slim and bare it! Get miniskirt-ready fast with our last-minute lower-body rescueroutine. "The secret is the right mix of targeted exercises," says trainer Rich Barretta, who perfected this supersculpting circuit working with swimsuit-model clients at his private training studio inNew York City. "When you can't stand another rep, you'll switch to the next move, which works your lower half from another angle." Grab a set of 3- to 5-pound dumbbells, a step (optional), and a towel and do the circuit in order two to three times through twice a week (on nonconsecutive days). Minis, you've met your match.

"How the Workout Works",

"Lunge 101",

"Fly Away",

"In-and-Out Lunge",

"Ski Boot Sit",

"Duck Squat",

"Tennis Shuffle",

"Side Shaper",

"Donkey Side Kick",

"Curtsy Lunge with Roundhouse",

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