This workout will get you losing weight quicker than any other method!
From the guy who brought you the top rated app kettlebell abs, and kettlebell fat loss workout!
Samuel Pont is an internationally recognised personal trainer who not only has his own kettlebell and bodyweight school of training but is also a published sports author and fat loss expert.
Samuel will show you variations of each
exercise so you can find the right level for you and your fitness.
Tabata style training is proven as one of the fastest ways to lose fat and weight and can be completed in less than 30
minutes a few times per week. Muscle should be worked as one complete unit- each of the exercise and progressions in this app will work your muscle and produce the fat burning metabolic 'after burn effect' like nothing you've ever experienced!
A complete bodyweight instructional and workout DVD for a fraction of the cost! All the videos are self-contained within the app so you can workout with Samuel at anytime regardless of signal.
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