Is your body weight ideal? What should be your daily calorie intake? Do you want to know about food and exercise and healthy lifestyle?
Get your answers with your health calculator, Diet and Exercise tips, BMI/BMR calculations, Body mass index calculator, Basal Metabolic Rate calculator. Get more closer to healthier life, you will gradually develop with this app usage.
If you do gym workout or yoga or health conscious, want a perfect shaped up body, want to loose weight or gain weight this app is just for you!
Added your daily calorie requirement. Health Tips.. and more..
Your health compass for health cure to achieve your health goal. Your fitness pal or fitness buddy and you can share fitness quotes daily. Fitness at home and fitness at gym, become your own nutrition expert and fitness motivator. Health and diet free tips from this Health adviser app can be found useful for health and healing. This app stands health advocate for your health and family. Lots of information you may be missing at fitness classes or health and beauty magazines. Fitness for ladies and health tips for girls and fitness meal plans. "Health Fitness Weight Control" brings to you health benefits you can achieve without Health insurance or health club or Health medical. Your health parenting and fitness abs. Health measure for health water drinking habits. App is for entertainment and fun reading only get professional help before applying anything.
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